Espresso Flan
Serves 6by Deborah Mele6 Eggs Left At Room Temperature1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract3 Cups Milk3/4 Cup Sugar1/2 Cup Brewed Strong EspressoBeat the eggs with 1/4 cup of the sugar, until light in color and thickened, about 5 minutes. Add the vanilla extract, and mix. Add the espresso and milk, and mix again. Put the remaining sugar in a small saucepan, and add a teaspoon or so of water. Cook over low heat until you have a syrup. Increase the heat, and cook until the mixture turns amber brown, about 3 minutes or so later. Pour the caramel mixture into individual ramekins (custard cups), and place the ramekins in a pan large enough to hold them all. Add enough boiling water to come up to the halfway mark on the ramekins. Divide the custard evenly in the cups. Bake at 350 degrees F. for about 50 minutes or until the centers are set. Cool to room temperature, and then refrigerate at least 3 hours before serving. To serve, dip the bottom of the ramekins into very hot water for a minute or two. Turn over and unmold onto individual plates. Serve immediately.